This FAQ will contain answers to support questions asked by clients. If there's a particular issue that you think might be suitable for inclusion in this FAQ please email your suggestions and I'll add an entry to cover it.
Simple answer: The embed link from a YouTube video can be copy/pasted directly into a Text resource, video from other sites is slightly more complicated.
Embedded content such as YouTube videos and VOKIs have special HTMLPurifier filters which will check the content before they are included on a page. Provided the content corresponds to the expected layout and the site URL matches what is expected the content will pass the filter. Other embedded content will almost certainly fail HTMLPurifier filtering because it either doesn't validate as properly formed XHTML or because it contains XHTML tags which can be easily subverted for XSS (cross-site scripting) attacks. Where the content fails to pass HTMLPurifier filtering there are two options:
Writing bespoke filters is a fairly complex operation and is really only feasible for well known sites where there it's likely that the content type will be used often - it makes no sense to write a filter for a type that is used only once. The other option, the 'Freetext' resource type can be used to accept any content whatsoever as there is no filtering applied. Freetext is a security risk for the site so use of this resource type is restricted by default to the system administrator account.
You can restore any previous version of a resource through its resource history.
Short answer: maybe.
Certain resource types can be retrieved even after they have been "deleted" from the system. This is because a log record is kept which captures the state of a resource whenever an action is performed on it, even as it is deleted. Any resource that doesn't have a physical filesystem object associated with it can be retrieved. So, you can restore text, news headlines, blog posts, quotes and other text-based resources but you cannot restore a deleted image, video or other file upload type because the underlying file will also have been removed from the system.
To restore a deleted resource you have to find the log entry that records the act of deletion and this is easiest done by looking through the log for the user that deleted the item. Use the Restore option in the What's next menu to put the resource back. The item will be restored to it's last known position on the site, other content will be moved further down the page to make space for the restored resource.
At its simplest you don't have to do anything, you can let the site index build itself based on the names/titles of resources. By default the index will be based on page names, however it is possible to add other resource types to the index such as case studies, press releases, blog postings, news headlines etc. but this requires a change to system configuration settings.
The index can be made easier to search through the use of user-defined tags. Tags will act as separate index entries with any resources that use a particular tag listed with it in the index. It is therefore possible to have multiple routes to the same content within the index.
Tags can be added to any resource type through the Meta data properties which you wil find in the What's next? menu.
Text-wrap is part of the Display properties for an image. There are three parts to getting text to wrap:
Wrap will only appear in Live mode, so you should swap out of Edit mode to see how the effect works.
Short answer: use a "Browser" resource.
The Browser resource type allows you to select one or more items of content and display them in a different location within the site. It's really just a simple querying system which works on the content database. To use this resource type:
N.B. Because the selected content will be cached, reloading the page rapidly is likely to display the same content on each refresh and will continue to do so until the cached lifespan expires.
Short answer: They are seeing a cached version of the content, you aren't.
Editors of the site (Authenticated accounts) see content that is completely up-to-date, other users (i.e. Anonymous users) get content served from a front-end cache. When the cache lifespan expires all users will see the new version. The cache lifespan is a tunable parameter which can be adjusted up or down to trade concurrency against speed.