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This is a selection of sites built with animalcarpet CMS. With its Access Control system and comprehensive selection of interactive resource types the CMS lends itself readily to project environments as well as straightforward marketing sites. This is reflected in the client work below where the many of sites are within the education sector and working successfully to promote online collaboration between partners in different countries.

City Dining

Redhot Rockit Design

Redhot Rockit is a simple brochure site which replaced a single static contact page. Redhot Rockit is a full-service design agency so the site showcases the different areas of work and is consequently is very reliant on images.

To add a little interest to the pages the site takes advantage of a number of the built-in javascript image effects without allowing them to dominate the content. Image fade-in, replacement and random selection are all standard features within animalcarpet - the trick is to not overuse them.

Graysons Restaurants

Picture 14.png

Graysons Restaurants are looking to drive service standards within their many restaurants and kitchens by providing comprehensive information to chefs to ensure consistent quality across a range of catering services. The portal, which is accessible to staff in all the kitchens, provides recipe details and order information as well as providing cooking tips and pictures to ensure both taste and food presentation meet the company's exacting standards.

Well London

This is the first of a brace of sites for Well London and replaces an existing static site which was proving impractical to update without the facilities of a content management system because of its size. The new site index feature was developed at the request of this client. Well London also took the suggestion to update their site look-and-feel with a design that captures the principal themes of the programme which is the promotion of physical and mental well-being in some of the most deprived areas of London.

The project also involved porting the original content to the new platform.

The site is available at


Vacherin are an upmarket central London caterer based in Hatton Garden. They run catering operations in a number of prestigious venues including the Design Council, the Imagination Gallery, the Chemistry Centre and Abbey Road Studios.

The website acts in both a marketing capacity incorporating a blog as well as having a separate login area for policy documents and procedures for staff located in the many restaurants Vacherin runs. The site is also being used to generate the Vacherin newsletter.

The site makes extensive use of javascript for animations on the homepage and management team information.

A Head for PR - Marketing site

The first live site running the new Animalcarpet software, this is a marketing and blogging site for a rapidly growing PR firm based in Dorset and Somerset.

The site is intended to promote not only A Head for PR itself but also their client base by acting as a publishing platform for press releases and other client information. It incorporates a number of bespoke resource types for handling client details, case studies and press releases but also includes new blogging tools and a widget for displaying a feed from Twitter.

In time, the site will expand to include a restricted access members' area to act as a contact point between A Head for PR and their customers.

You can read more about the development process in the accompanying case study.



The British Council's eLanguages website was one of the first sites running the original version of animalcarpet and continues to use the platform 15 years later (yes 15 years!) practically unchanged - how long can it keep going? The website connects 1000's of teachers in 140 countries and the interface is translated into 20+ european, asian and slavic languages as well as RTL languages such as Urdu and Arabic.

Many bespoke extensions have been added to animalcarpet to cater for the specific requirements. The site contains tools for finding a partner teacher for collaborative projects, finding, joining and rating classroom projects as well as the standard site utilities for creating and sharing content.

Rivers of the World


Started in 2006, the Rivers of the World website is a collaborative platform for schools participating in art projects as part of the Thames Festival's education and outreach programme. Schools choose a river-based theme and create an artwork for display on the site and as part of a touring art exhibition.

The site links schools into partnerships and allows them to discuss and illustrate the evolution of their artwork from the initial choice of theme, exchange visits, workshops with professional artists through to the realisation and display of the finished work.

International Primary Curriculum


The IPC project started life as a simple bolt-on project environment for an existing site but Animalcarpet CMS quickly proved it's suitability for handling the organisation's marketing requirements and also to act as the publishing platform for IPC's online curriculum modules and replaced the existing system in its entirety.

The IPC implementation demonstrates one of the more powerful features of the platform, the ability to apply fine-grained access controls, based on user and group accounts, to individual system resources. This capability was precisely what was needed to restrict access to content based on the subscription levels of participating schools.

A dutch version of this site is also available.

Improve Workflow


Running a site shouldn't be a chore, read how animalcarpet CMS simplifies the publishing process for a west country PR firm.